This is a Community Care Centre which focusses onserving their community through lifeskills training, strength-based coaching and counselling. They are based in the Hatfield/Brooklyn area in Pretoria.
Trivium is a triathlon club based in Pretoria, South Africa. They approach things slightly differently, with all training based on the analysis of concrete data.
Grogro is a manufacturing company which spesialises in building utility vehicles and drive line components.
Sake van die Siel gaan oor Jesus se liefde vir mense. Ons passie is om mense te begelei op `n pad van Ontwikkeling, Herstel en Bemagtiging sodat hulle hul volle potensiaal in Jesus Christus kan bereik.
Gereformeerde Kerk Pinetown is a reformed church based in the western parts of Durban, South Africa.